Giving Tuesday

by Trish Beggs

On the heel's of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday & Cyber Monday, I'm beginning to believe there is literally a holiday for every day of the year.



Well, my instincts were correct. Google wins again. Now instead of looking forward to Christmas, I can't wait for Jan 9th. You know- "Clean off your Desk Day" Maybe that will finally be the motivation I need to get it organized.



Looking ahead, I'm going to plan to take February 9th off since it's "Work Naked Day" I'll let our office manager, Christine, report back if anyone participates! :)



Seriously though, this time of the year can be so exhausting trying to hit all the holiday parties, score the perfect gifts for your loved ones and simply finishing the year out strong.



But in the midst of all of the chaos, I want to stop for a second for a day that's near and dear to all of the hearts at Rockhill Real Estate Group.



Giving Tuesday.



It's the day after Cyber Monday and before Electronic Greeting Card Day (really?!).



As we navigate the busy holiday season, I've noticed so many people with such generous hearts lately. Friends looking for ideas to find ways for their kids to give instead of receive and businesses ending the year with great success wanting to give back.



And Rockhill Real Estate Group is in the same boat. There are so many great local and national organizations that truly depend on the generosity of small, local businesses and their great employees like ours and we wanted to share with you where our support in 2017 landed.



We're always on the lookout to help-out whenever and wherever we can. It isn't necessarily a mind-blowing amount of money but if everyone can chip in a little, big things can happen. So, if you're looking for ways; big or small, see the links below to support the places we did this year.



Throughout December, on Fridays, we'll do a small feature of where our agents have individually supported through their time and resources to other great organizations. Let us know who you like to support to help get the word out for all of these charities and non-profits.



Rockhill Real Estate Group Donations 2017


Greater Manhattan Community Foundation


Homecare & Hospice Foundation


Wamego Area Youth Golf Foundation


Puma FC Manhattan


Crossroads Soccer Association


Crisis Center


Riley County Humane Society


Purple Paws Animal Welfare Society


Meadowlark Hills Good Samaritan Fund


The First Tee


No Stone Unturned


Fairy Godmothers


Pottawatomie County Caring Hearts Humane Society


Flint Hills Breadbasket


Flint Hills Volunteer Center


Manhattan Emergency Shelter


T. Russell Reitz Animal Shelter


Sunset Zoo


UFM Community Learning Center


Mercy Community Health Foundation


Advantage MHK


Boys and Girls Club of MHK


Friends of the Sunset Zoo


Pottawatomie County Fair Association


Columbian Theatre Foundation











#blackfriday #smallbusinesssaturday #cybermonday #givingtuesday #worknakedday #rockhillrealestategroup #greatermanhattancommunityfoundation #homecareandhospice #wamegoareayouthgolffoundation #pumafcmanhattan #crossroadssoccer #crisiscenter #rileycountyhumanesociety #purplepawsanimalwelfaresociety #meadowlarkhillsgoodsamaritanfund #thefirsttee #nostoneunturned #fairygodmothers #pottawatomiecountycaringheartshumanesociety #flinthillsbreadbasket #flinthillsvolunteercenter #manhattanemergencyshelter #trussellreitzanimalshelter #sunsetzoo #ufmcommunitylearningcenter #mercycommunityhealthfoundation #advantagemhk #boysandgirlsclubofmhk #friendsofthesunsetzoo #pottawatomiecountyfair #columbiantheaterfoundationofwamego




Rockhill Real Estate Group

Associate Broker, Office Manager | License ID: BR00051190

+1(785) 539-7890
